Curator: Salomé Viguier
Faye Mullen, Geneviève Thauvette, Mariana Lafrance, Mathieu Goupil-Lemay, Matthieu Sabourin, Vincent Chevalier
Bilingual talk: 3pm
Vernissage: 5pm
Performance by Mariana Lafrance En aval d'ici en amont de maintenant: 6pm
Twenty years after Marc Charbonneau’s Les accents d’inquiétantes étrangetés, - Presented in Montréal and Ottawa in 1987 and initiated by BRAVO, the exhibition put together 28 art pieces by 16 francophone artists living in Ontario - curator Salomé Viguier once again takes up an exhibition concept based on two categories of identity: language – French in a minority setting – and age –a generation of artists under 35: Vincent Chevalier, Mariana Lafrance, Mathieu Goupil-Lemay, Geneviève Thauvette, Faye Mullen and Matthieu Sabourin.
Through works by six artists, Fragile explores the relationship that exists between presenting an artist according to a socio-demographic point of view, and how a viewer perceives that artist’s work. What are the ensuing expectations? Which projection of the self does the artist share with the viewer? What part of their identity can we recognize/receive from their artwork?
A project by BRAVO in partnership with G101