Friday, November 11, 2016 to Saturday, December 3, 2016

    • Friday, November 11, 2016
    15:00 - 20:00

    Curator: Salomé Viguier 

    Faye Mullen, Geneviève Thauvette, Mariana Lafrance, Mathieu Goupil-Lemay, Matthieu Sabourin, Vincent Chevalier

    Bilingual talk: 3pm
    Vernissage: 5pm 

    Performance by Mariana Lafrance En aval d'ici en amont de maintenant: 6pm

    Twenty years after Marc Charbonneau’s Les accents d’inquiétantes étrangetés, - Presented in Montréal and Ottawa in 1987 and initiated by BRAVO, the exhibition put together 28 art pieces by 16 francophone artists living in Ontario - curator Salomé Viguier once again takes up an exhibition concept based on two categories of identity: language – French in a minority setting – and age –a generation of artists under 35: Vincent Chevalier, Mariana Lafrance, Mathieu Goupil-Lemay, Geneviève Thauvette, Faye Mullen and Matthieu Sabourin.

    Through works by six artists, Fragile explores the relationship that exists between presenting an artist according to a socio-demographic point of view, and how a viewer perceives that artist’s work. What are the ensuing expectations? Which projection of the self does the artist share with the viewer? What part of their identity can we recognize/receive from their artwork?

    A project by BRAVO in partnership with G101

    Gallery 101 gratefully acknowledges the City of Ottawa, the Ontario Arts Council (an agency of the Government of Ontario) and the Canada Council for the Arts. Gallery 101 thanks the Asinabka Festival, our members, volunteers, partners, and all our relations.