Saturday, September 11, 1999 to Saturday, October 16, 1999

    • Saturday, September 11, 1999 to Sunday, September 12, 1999
    MACHINATE: a projection in two movements is a multi-media gallery installation using 16mm film, video, audio, sculptural assemblage and the internet. Departing from her previous work of still images and texts, MACHINATE includes "Kiss", a 16mm film loop for two projectors, and "body: in the eye of the beholder", a video loop for two monitors. Both works explore our consciousness of body in relation to analogue and digital mechanisms while subtly and poetically revealing phenomena manifested by these media. Other works installed will be: "Ventriloquy", an audio assemblage; "Book 0/" made from computer parts; www.machinate... a website complementing the gallery installation, and an evening slide projection installed on the window of Galley 101. An artist always curious in how ideas are generated and how technology predetermines our ideas, Laiwan has been researching the signification of analogue and digital media for a number of years. MACHINATE: a projection in two movements is her first installed collection of work focusing on technologized consciousness, phenomena and presumptions.