Duane Linklater

Tania Willard

Jason Lujan

Paperback, 6 x 8.5 in./ 28 p. col. ill.  2008


ISBN 978-0-9783976-4-7

© Foreman Art Gallery of Bishop’s University and Gallery 101, Duane Linklater, Tania Willard, Jason Lujan

Co-Published By: Foreman Art Gallery of Bishop’s University and Gallery 101.


$17.00 CDN, $19.00 US, 10 EU + S&H

L O R E - Cover Image
Year of Publication: 

Foreword by Vicky Chainey Gagnon and Leanne L’Hirondelle

The exhibition LORE, curated by Ryan Rice, features the work of artists Duane Linklater, Jason Lujan, and Tania Willard. The importance of this exhibition lies in the tracing of oral tradition as a living, changing entity that incorporates new elements such as video, written text and visual images. The work on view strongly represents, each in individual ways, practices that criticize, manipulate, and re-consider traditions of storytelling from a First Nations perspective. Through each artwork we better understand points of view that have been shaped by colonialism and cultural beliefs.