Curated by Cheryl L'Hirondelle
Millie Chen, Leah Decter, Stephen Foster, Ayumi Goto, Dion Kaszas, Suzanne Morrissette, Lisa Myers
October 31 – November 28, 2015
Opening: Saturday, October 31 2015, 6-10pm at Gallery 101, with live tattooing by Dion Kaszas
Friday October 30th, a performance by Ayumi Goto, "in sonorous shadow of Nishiyuu: reverberations". Beginning at around 12 noon in Chelsea, QC, Ayumi will run and expect to finish her run and stage an activity on Parliament Hill between 3 and 4 pm. More details:
This media art + group exhibition curated by Cree/Métis artist Cheryl L'Hirondelle is meant to be a dialogue between selected work by seven Indigenous and non-native artists to illustrate how we inhabit, make actions, document time-space, and in doing so, how we are all staking claim to territories whether physical, aesthetic, conceptual and/or virtual.
Gallery 101 gratefully acknowledges an Aboriginal Curatorial Projects grant from the Ontario Arts Council for the presentation of Owning With the Gaze, the City of Ottawa, the Ontario Arts Council (an agency of the Government of Ontario) and the Canada Council for the Arts. Gallery 101 thanks the Asinabka Festival, our members, volunteers, partners, and all our relations.